Hi, I’m Nick. A freelancer currently based in Sydney, Australia. I was a creative child as far back as I can remember, building legos and making puzzles recommended for kids way above my age. My digital creation started as animations in Powerpoint on Windows 95, I...
Hi, I’m Erix. As a kid, I always enjoyed blockbuster movies. Steven Spielberg was my favourite director at the time. When I was in High school I decided to attend a college that would teach me how movies are made. I decided on the art institute of Miami (Miami...
Hi, I’m Roy. I started my professional career by cutting a lot of music, both live sessions and music videos. The only thing I invested in at the time was the best Macbook Pro I could afford, a couple of hard drives, and a ton of free work that I mostly...
Hi, I am August and I moved to LA after college to work as a screenwriter, only to discover how hard the job market is for an aspiring writer. One of my first gigs was a Production Assistant with some editing work at a startup company. I’ve always been techy and did...
Hey, I’m Karim. I started a little while after lockdown last March, I had been editing for a year making stuff for myself & friends because of my love for filmmaking, but it never occurred to me that I could be making money editing videos....
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